
I am Mike
I started this wood shop in 2015 with a passion and a dream. I now work with a small team of three craftsman in a homemade shop outside of Oronoco, MN.
We design and build furniture and goods based on the materials that we have on hand. How do we have them on hand? Well I spend a lot of time searching for opportunities. Which takes me to places where I find items that inspire me.
I use the inspiration of what’s around to sparks creativity to build.
We only build from December through March.
Making small batches of our newly inspired designs each season using honest joinery, creative designs, and wood with natural character. To remember each years, we hand chisel the Roman numeral of the year it was created on the bottom of each piece. We truly put our heart and soul into these pieces. Demonstrating the art of hand craft for you to enjoy for years.
Buy a piece of our furniture and use it. Sit on it. Eat on it. Enjoy it.
Then pass it down.
If you don’t, we’ll want it back.
WE are Sawyer Hatch
